Red Rose Graduation Bouquet



Our Red Rose Graduation Bouquet is a vibrant and cheerful way to celebrate the accomplishments of your loved one.

With three brilliant red roses and two cheerful gerbera daisies, this bouquet is a burst of colour and joy.

And the mini graduation plush is the perfect little reminder of this important milestone.

Give the gift of happiness with this delightful bouquet today!

Contains: 3 Red Roses, 2 Gerbera Daisies, Statice, Mini Pom, Wheat, Mini Graduation Plush

*Do note that our selection of flowers may exhibit peculiarities in shade and tone from picture references on this page. That is the beauty of nature! However, rest assured that colour themes and style will remain in accordance with your choice.


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Size: 25cm x 35cm ( Width x Height )

Q & A

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Can I change some of the dried flowers to colourful baby’s breath? Rez asked on October 6, 2023

Hi Rez! Yes we can change the baby breath to rainbow baby breath for you at an additional $5. Do get in touch with us via whatsapp at 81615935 and we can arrange accordingly for you :)

Damien answered on October 8, 2023 store manager
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