
From $72.00


Stick with the theme of romantic red roses, sweet baby pinks and lavender purple to impress your sweetheart with this Elizabeth bouquet.

This gorgeous bouquet comes with your choice of  9, 12 or 24 roses, which are interspersed with pink statice flowers and sprigs of foliage throughout to help their colour and their sleek, smooth, velvety petals to pop.

The bouquet is wrapped up in an elegant selection of floral tissue in many shades of lavender and is sure to charm your lover with its feminine, romantic appeal.

*Do note that our selection of flowers may exhibit peculiarities in shade and tone from picture references on this page. That is the beauty of nature! However, rest assured that colour themes and style will remain in accordance with your choice.


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Number of Rose : Width x Height

6 Rose: 30cm x 25 cm ( Width x Height )

9 Rose: 32cm x 30cm ( Width x Height )

12 Rose: 35cm x 30 cm ( Width x Height )

24 Rose: 45cm x 45cm ( Width x Height )

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Fairy Lights +
Vase +
Ferrero 24 piece +
Bouquet Bag +
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